Selected Film

Silent Cries (Kiayunik Tuhanak)

"It happened every year during long weekends in September. That's when all the planes, little planes start flying around Nunavut and NWT (North-Western Territory) collecting kids at camps. As soon as you hear that plane coming around you know what was gonna happen, some of them hide, run away… But the parents were always threatened if their kids didn't get on that plane. All you could hear was mothers, grandmothers crying" Navalik Tologanak (Netflix-BANFF Diversity of Voices 2023 Alumni), journalist and emerging filmmaker shares her experience as a residential school survivor. Silent Cries (Kiayunik Tuhanak) documents the private meeting between Pope Francis and Inuit survivors on their land in July 2022. As a respected Elder, Navalik weaves her personal story into the narrative to bring an intimate perspective to a historic event and what followed.

Duration: 00:16:46
Country of Origin: Canada

Director(s): Navalik Tologanak


Producer(s): Kelly Saxberg, Navalik Tologanak

Key Cast:

Other Credits: Editor: Kelly Saxberg