Selected Film

Yvy Pyte - Heart of the earth

This feature documentary was born out of the desire of Guarani filmmaker Alberto Alvares (Tupã Ra'y) to return to his native village. Historically, several borders have been imposed on Guarani territory, causing serious changes. Encounters, displacements, new and old borders permeate the stories of this film, capable of taking us to the sacred territory "Yvy Pyte", from where the world emerged for the Guarani, the Heart of the Earth.

Duration: 01:50:58
Country of Origin: Brazil
Language: Portuguese

Director(s): Alberto Álvares, José Cury

Writer(s): Alberto Álvares, José Cury, Pedro Alves

Producer(s): Paula Kimo

Key Cast: Avelino Verá, Angelo Martim, Argemiro Escalante, Aflicio Kaiowá, Bento Hara, Catalina Benitez, Ciriaco Paî Tavyterã, Eduardo Santos, Eliel Benites, Estela Vera, Genito Gomes, Ildo Roja, Lidio Escalante, Lourenza Benites, Nora Fernandez, Paulina Martines, Roberto Carlo Martins, Rosalino Ortiz, Salvador Ramires, Silvio Pires, Sindulfo Cabrera Benitez, Sirmório Paî Tavyterã, Tereza Amarilia, Valdomir Flores, Heleno Ava Rendy Ju

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